Home Weight + Fitness EM●PACT®



Clean, healthy energy



Our EMPACT citrus-flavoured drink mix is more than just a sports supplement drink. Its energy and endurance formula has been clinically shown to enhance cardiorespiratory fitness (VO2max, a measure of maximal oxygen consumption and physical fitness). In a randomised, doubleblind crossover human clinical trial, EMPACT drink mix enhanced three out of four indicators of aerobic performance. Mannatech’s EMPACT energy and endurance formula provides fuel and biochemicals clinically shown to enhance cardiorespiratory fitness and improve endurance.

  • May enhance the body’s ability to use oxygen during athletic exertion
  • May improve athletic endurance
  • Includes medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) that are readily broken down into short-chain, free-fatty acids that are used as fuel for muscles


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